Dyslexia in Children - Frequently Asked Questions

Today's article should help parents more easily recognise the possible signs of dyslexia in children.As a condition that affects children’s reading and writing abilities, Dyslexia is something that can significantly hold little ones back. If not diagnosed and addressed in good time, it can have a knock-on effect that adversely affects the education and potentially whole lives of people affected. It’s therefore important to learn what to look out for so as to recognise the possible signs of dyslexia in children should they occur. With that in mind, today’s article explores the answers to frequently asked questions about dyslexia so as to explain what dyslexia is, how it affects children and adults, what to look out for, and what to do to mitigate its potentially harmful effects.

What is Dyslexia?

Described back in the 19th century as 'word blindness', Dyslexia is a lifelong problem.Described back in the 19th century as ‘word blindness’, Dyslexia is a lifelong problem that primarily affects the ease with which a person can read (especially) as well as affecting other language-based skills like writing, spelling, and sometimes even pronunciation. As such, it has potential knock-on effects in a wide array of areas of people’s lives and can present daily challenges for those affected.

Dyslexia has neurodevelopmental origins and is recognised in the UK as a specific learning difficulty. It is not, however, linked in any way to a person’s level of intelligence — and we’ll illustrate just how true that is later in this article.

The term dyslexia, meaning “difficulty with words”, was first coined in 1887 by Rudolf Berlin. He was a German ophthalmologist and, during eye testing at his Stuttgart practice, noticed that some patients struggled to read printed words despite having no eyesight issues. This led him to propose that there could be a neurological reason for the condition.

How Common is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is fairly common, with around 1 out of every 10 people in the UK being affected to varying degrees. However, not everyone with dyslexia receives a diagnosis and sadly this can make the challenges they face even more profound.

How Does Dyslexia Manifest Itself to Those Affected?

Some people with dyslexia have described its effects as causing letters to jump around and words to jumble up.Some people with dyslexia have described its effects as causing letters to jump around and words to jumble up. Others say that words blend together and even spaces between them can disappear. Individual letters and numbers can mix up and, for some, characters may seem incomplete. Sometimes, they are perceived in mirror form (so, for example, a “b” becomes a “d”) or are even perceived as being upside down (so, a “6” would be perceived as a “9”). Whatever the specific effect, the result is to make words unintelligible. Immense concentration is required to try to make any sense of them. Clearly, this presents enormous challenges to reading, writing, spelling, reading out loud, and even mathematics. The knock-on effect of all this is that reading and learning from books about any number of topics — including those in the curriculum — can therefore be hugely challenging and profoundly impactful.

Children with dyslexia may feel ‘different’ and perhaps isolated because of the condition. It’s therefore incredibly important to diagnose and help children with dyslexia as early in their lives as possible.

What are the Signs of Possible Dyslexia in Young Children?

The most common signs of possible* dyslexia, specifically in children of pre-school and school age, relate to language-related difficulties.The signs of dyslexia vary from child to child and this, in itself, makes spotting the issue more tricky. That said, the most common signs of possible* dyslexia, specifically in children of pre-school and school age, relate to language-related difficulties. Examples include:

  • lower than expected speech development (this can be detectable under five);
  • difficulty learning the alphabet and a limited interest in trying to do so (again, potentially detectable under five);
  • difficulties understanding the concept of rhyming words (again, this may be detectable under the age of five);
  • mispronouncing multi-syllable words and jumbling the order of some, e.g. ephelant instead of elephant (potentially detectable under five);
  • sometimes having trouble with verbal expression, e.g. difficulty finding the appropriate word to use (also potentially detectable under five);
  • difficulty with phonics, poor phonological awareness, and poor word attack skills;
  • difficulty recognising the sounds for individual letters;
  • difficulty recognising sounds for combinations of letters found within words;
  • being able to answer questions well verbally, but not very well in writing;
  • difficulty with reading;
  • poor handwriting, with inconsistent and unpredictable spelling.

There are also a few more ‘unexpected’ symptoms, seemingly not directly related to language, that might indicate possible dyslexia. Examples include:

  • difficulty with the fine motor skills required to maintain a consistent rhythm, e.g. on a toy drum;
  • struggling to remember the order of things like days of the week;
  • struggling to follow the order of even a short list of instructions, but being able to complete the tasks if individual steps are provided separately, one by one.

* Note that exhibiting any of the above does not necessarily mean the child has dyslexia. There are several alternative reasons why such symptoms could possibly be displayed.

More details about possible symptoms of dyslexia, in both children and adults, can be found here.

Is Dyslexia Linked With Special Needs or Disabilities?

Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty.Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty. While some children affected have no additional limiting condition, some have additional problems. These can include dyscalculia, dyspraxia, ADHD, short-term memory issues, and issues with time management. We’ll aim to cover some of those topics separately, in future posts.

What is the Cause of Dyslexia?

The exact cause of dyslexia is not known although it has neurodevelopmental origins and often seems to run in families.

“It’s thought certain genes inherited from your parents may act together in a way that affects how some parts of the brain develop during early life.” — NHS

Studies show that the brain of children with dyslexia functions differently to those without it, so it is a neurodivergence of sorts. It’s fair to say that this specific ‘neurological difference’ is not fully understood by the medical and scientific communities — indeed until it is better understood, there will continue to be much debate around the topic, even among ‘experts’.

Can Dyslexia be Cured?

There is no known ‘cure’ for dyslexia. However, it can be managed and its effects can be mitigated significantly through early diagnosis and appropriate support. Indeed, children who receive such support often go on to be highly competent readers.

Is There a Link Between Dyslexia & Intelligence?

As we mentioned earlier, dyslexia is not linked to intelligence. This is borne out by the fact that many highly intelligent and successful people have the condition, including the famous scientist and theoretical physicist Albert Einstein. Indeed, the list of highly intelligent and successful people with dyslexia is massively long. To name just a few more, it includes Richard Branson, Pablo Picasso, Winston Churchill, John Lennon, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Leonardo da Vinci, Bill Gates, Tom Cruise, Steven Spielberg, Henry Ford, George Washington, Thomas Edison, Wolfgang Mozart, Stephen Hawking, plus a long list of additional celebrities, scientists, business entrepreneurs and artists.

Do Children With Dyslexia Have Any Superpowers?

As you can conclude by taking a look at the list of famous and highly successful people with dyslexia, those affected are often very creative and gifted in other ways. These often include creative verbal and/or visual skills and sometimes exceptional problem-visualisation and problem-solving skills.

“40% of self-made millionaires are dyslexic.” (dyslexicmum.co.uk)

How Can Children With Dyslexia Best Be Supported?

There is a wide range of measures available to help children with dyslexia.Where an issue like dyslexia is suspected, parents/carers should speak with their early years provider or school teacher to voice any concerns — and vice versa. The earlier an issue like dyslexia is spotted, the sooner measures can be implemented to help the child. Such early intervention is really important when reading and language are affected because they have such a snowball effect on other areas of learning. That said, it is more difficult to diagnose dyslexia in the pre-school years, as signs are not so obvious at such an early age. However, a few early signs may sometimes become evident as indicated in the early entries of our list of possible signs of dyslexia earlier in this article.

If a problem is suspected, it is worth visiting a GP with your child to check the potential issue isn’t caused by something completely different, for example, a sight or hearing issue. A dyslexic diagnostic assessment via an appropriate professional expert (e.g. an educational psychologist or qualified dyslexia specialist) is also an option.

If dyslexia is diagnosed a range of support options are available through such measures as a tailored learning and development plan, involvement of the child’s special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCo), special resources and perhaps the help of external specialists. More details about a professional assessment, diagnosis, and even options like Educational Health & Care (EHC) plans, are available here.

For a comprehensive, stand-alone overview of the ways in which early years childcare settings like Little Acorns Nursery can support children with dyslexia, one or more Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD), or Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND), read our article Help for Children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) here. In the future, we may also follow up today’s article with a separate one explaining in more detail the specific support measures that parents and early years/school professionals can take to help dyslexic children.

The Best Start for Your Child in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

Little Acorns — An Outstanding Childcare Nursery in Central Lancashire

An outstanding childcare providerLittle Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, ChorleyIt’s natural for parents and carers to want the best nursery for their child. Rest assured, Little Acorns is an outstanding childcare nursery. Indeed, we are recognised by Ofsted as an “Outstanding Provider”, so you’ll know your child is in safe and capable hands when you choose Little Acorns for your weekday childcare.

We are located in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, in Central Lancashire. Families in nearby towns and villages may also find Little Acorns Nursery convenient, for example, those living in Clayton Brook, Clayton Green, Thorpe Green, Pippin Street, Buckshaw Village, Whittle-le-Woods, Farington, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall, Euxton, Leyland and Penwortham.

Contact us today to register your child for a nursery place, arrange a tour of the setting, or for answers to any questions that you might have:

Maths Concepts for Under-5s — & Why They're Important

Maths Concepts for Under-5s — & Why They're Important

Introducing under-5s to simple maths concepts early will benefit them hugely and lay the foundations for future learning.Once babies have transformed into toddlers, it’s never too early to introduce them to maths-based concepts and language. Indeed, introducing under-fives to such concepts in the earliest years will benefit them hugely as it lays the foundations for future learning. That’s one of the main reasons it is a part of the EYFS curriculum. Continuing this learning at home will also help them instinctively understand that mathematics is a normal and integral part of everyday life. As such, there is no need for it to be perceived as a daunting topic. With all that in mind, today’s guide explores why the early introduction of mathematics is so beneficial to under-fives and how parents and caregivers play a vital role in encouraging their mathematical curiosity, knowledge, and confidence.

The Benefits of Understanding Maths Concepts in the Early Years

As well as the obvious advantage of improving numeracy skills, learning mathematical language and concepts at an early age has several key benefits for under-fives.

Enhanced Vocabulary Development & Language Skills

Children exposed to rich mathematical language will naturally have stronger vocabularies. This, in turn, will facilitate enhanced communication skills, for example, through the mastering of such things as descriptive, comparative, and positional words.

Improved Cognitive Skills

Learning numeracy skills is like a subtle workout for the mind. Such activity is known to stimulate brain development and improve memory, attention, and critical thinking skills. Each of these benefits will allow children to make connections and solve problems more easily.

Stimulated Creativity & Imagination

Mathematics isn’t just about numbers; it also involves creativity. For example, children can explore patterns, shapes, and spatial relationships, each of which has maths at their heart. Indeed, maths is integral to design, art, music, dance, and many other creative areas that children can immerse themselves in.

“Studies show a direct correlation between early mathematical skills and later educational achievement.”

A Foundation for School Success

Familiarity with mathematical terms and concepts also helps to prepare children for school.Familiarity with mathematical terms and concepts also helps to prepare children for formal education, including in many areas other than pure mathematics. Understanding maths concepts from an early age will allow them to confidently engage in number-related exercises and discussions, greatly enhancing their school readiness across multiple topics. Such preparation will allow them to take maths-based challenges in their stride right from the moment they begin Reception Year in primary school. What’s even more striking is that studies show a direct correlation between early mathematical skills and later educational achievement.

What Kind of Maths Concepts Can Parents Teach Tots?

As you’ll see below, there are many different types of maths-related words and concepts that parents can help children grasp. As we said before, maths is all around us, so there are many opportunities to help little ones master mathematical concepts and language — even from an early age. Aside from learning the actual numbers, some examples include the following:

  • Counting fingers, toes, and objects like building blocks is an obvious way to help children master the most simple maths-related vocabulary.Counting is the most obvious example. Counting can be introduced and practised by your little one in many, many situations, from counting how many more mouthfuls of food a child should eat, to the number of Lego blocks in a tower they’re creating.
  • Size is another maths-based concept where, given some parental guidance, little ones can soon begin to understand whether something is tiny, medium-sized, big, gigantic, tall, short, thin, or wide.
  • Measurement is another maths-related concept for children to grasp, so encouraging them to learn when something is full, empty, long, heavy, light, etc., will stand them in good stead both linguistically and in terms of mathematics.
  • Similarly, comparatives will be useful for children to understand. It’s essential for them to grasp concepts and language like more, less, equal, different, the same, identical, and so on.
  • Maths concepts can be found by children in shapes, sizes, measurements, comparatives, positions, patterns, time and, of course, numbers.Shapes also have roots in maths, so children should get familiar with 3-sided triangular shapes, 4-sided shapes like squares and rectangles, and so on.
  • Positions are also founded in mathematics, so children should be encouraged to recognise when something is on, off, inside, outside, up, down, and suchlike.
  • Finally, time also has its roots in numbers and mathematics. Therefore, it will help children to not only tell the time eventually but also understand the meaning behind words like early, late, now, later, soon, etc.

How to Go About It

Parents, caregivers and relatives can help children under five learn about these mathematical concepts and the language that surrounds them. Games, books, and even songs, for example, often include facets of maths and maths language that adults can draw children’s attention to and get them involved in. Counting fingers, toes, and objects like building blocks is another obvious example and one which can be extended to include much of the maths-related vocabulary that we mentioned earlier (numbers, comparatives, positions, shapes, etc.). Mathematics language and concepts can be learned through everyday activities like games, reading books, cooking, playing with building blocks, helping with shopping, and so much more.Creative endeavours can also be vehicles through which supervising adults can highlight elements of mathematics that are built into designs and creations that children may generate. Patterns and shapes are obvious examples of that. Last but not least, parents can involve children in maths facets which are integral to everyday life, for instance, counting items when out shopping, or measuring when putting ingredients together for a meal. Children will love being more involved in such activities and will learn about maths in a fun, natural, and engaging way. Doing so will create the strongest foundations for their future learning.

We may follow up at a later date with some in-depth activity ideas that will help children learn more about maths and the language surrounding it, so watch this space!

Little Acorns: an Outstanding Nursery in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

Award-Winning Childcare in Central Lancashire

An outstanding childcare provider

Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

Little Acorns gives babies, toddlers and preschoolers the very best start in life at their Clayton-le-Woods nursery near Chorley. That’s backed up by being rated an Outstanding Provider by Ofsted and a prestigious National Nursery Award too. So, if you want the very best for your child, choose Little Acorns Day Nursery for their weekday childcare and we’ll ensure they absolutely thrive and are prepared for success.

Get in touch today to register your child for a nursery place, set a date for a guided tour of the setting, or ask any questions:

Little Acorns is an outstanding nursery and preschool located in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, near Clayton Brook, Clayton Green, Thorpe Green, Pippin Street, Buckshaw Village, Whittle-le-Woods, Farington, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall, Euxton, Leyland and Penwortham.


How to Help Your Child Transition to School

Today's post aims to help make children's transition to school as easy and stress-free as possible.Beginning school is a huge milestone for any child as well as for the child’s parents or guardians. Whether transitioning from nursery/preschool or straight from home, beginning school can be a daunting step in a child’s life — especially if they’re unprepared. Today’s post therefore aims to help parents/guardians make the transition to school as easy and stress-free as possible for their child, so they are empowered to feel at home and hit the ground running from the moment they begin. Take a look, therefore, at our guide on How to Help Your Child Transition to School. Following the advice should help make this milestone plain sailing for everyone involved.

Prepare Your Child Well in Advance

The most impactful measure for a smooth transition to school is thorough preparation. As the old saying goes, “Fail to prepare — prepare to fail” meaning you should ensure good preparation if a successful outcome is to be achieved. And, by definition, preparation is required in advance of the school start date. The remaining tips below are all part of that preparation and, as you’ll see, some will be required well in advance.

Well in Advance:

Ensure a Good Early Years Education for Your Child

One of the most critically-important steps for a smooth transition to school is to ensure your child receives a comprehensive early years education.One of the most critically important steps for a smooth transition to school is to ensure your child receives a comprehensive early years education. By this we mean they need to have been nurtured between birth and school age in all areas of their learning and development — ideally including the seven key areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). In essence, they will need help with their communication and language, physical development, personal, social & emotional development, literacy, mathematics (watch out for our separate post on that coming soon), understanding of the world, and expressive art and design. With such skills and knowledge under their belt before the age of five, they will be incredibly well-equipped once they begin school. Without them, they will find the transition difficult and may even be held back.

Early Years Education at Nursery & Preschool

Such an early years education is also available, of course, via outstanding childcare services like those available at Little Acorns Nursery in Clayton-le-Woods. High-quality settings like ours nurture every aspect of children’s learning and development. Through a programme that’s tailored for every child, we do everything we can to ensure they achieve personal bests in every area and are as school-ready as possible by the time they leave us to begin school. With all that achieved, they are sure to thrive from the moment they start. Learn more about why children benefit by going to a good nursery/preschool here.

Close Parental Involvement in Your Child’s Education

Parents/guardians can and ideally should help with this early years education from home too. Indeed, close parental involvement in a child’s education has been shown to be hugely beneficial to that child, with far-reaching short- and long-term benefits. Studies have shown that such children are much higher achievers at school than those who did not receive regular educational support from parents. Follow the bold link to learn more.

Read With Your Child to Super-Charge Language Skills

Reading with your child from an early age has also been proven to be hugely beneficial to children. Studies show that, by reading with them regularly – including before the age of five – their language skills will receive a massive boost and this will help them enormously once they begin school. Reading with (not just to) children can boost the language skills of preschoolers by the equivalent of 8 months — incredible when you think about it. Comprehension, vocabulary, creativity, knowledge, literacy, and even empathy skills are improved when parents regularly read with young children. A love of books and reading is also a natural extension of this and, again, this can only help children once they’ve started at school. Learn more about how you can Super-charge Your Child’s Education Through Reading here.

Nurture Independence, Social & Soft Skills

It's important to nurture children's independence, social skills and soft skills before they begin school.During their journey from birth to school age, it’s also important to nurture children’s independence, social skills and soft skills.

  • Ensuring independence will make them feel more in control and self-assured once they start school. For example, help them learn to wash hands, tie shoe laces, use zips and buttons on clothing and be able to dress themselves. Parents can help children accomplish all of these by demonstrating each and encouraging practising at home.
  • Parents can also encourage good social skills in children while at home, so they are polite and naturally more likeable once they start school. So, try to nurture skills like good manners, understanding right from wrong, mastering negotiations with peers, sharing, helping others and generally being able to make and keep friends. Parents can encourage socialising with friends and relatives of a similar age to accomplish such things.
  • Additional soft skills will help little ones thrive as well as fit in and be positively viewed once they begin school. Examples of soft skills to nurture in children before they begin school include good communication (verbal as well as non-verbal), listening, an understanding of empathy, cooperation, teamwork, negotiation, problem-solving, resilience, adaptability, good organisation, creativity, resilience and time management. Mastering these will stand children in very good stead at school.

In the Weeks Running Up to Starting School:

One of the small but impactful things you can do to better prepare your child for starting school is ensuring they have a friend joining at the same time.When starting school is only a few weeks away, there are several small but impactful things you can do to better prepare your child for the transition:

  • Forewarn your child that they’ll be starting school soon and give them further reminders as the start date draws closer. This will avoid any nasty shock when the day arrives and help prepare their mindset.
  • Talk about it often as the day draws nearer. Encourage questions, answer them, and listen to any misgivings your child may have. Reassure your child whenever they seem apprehensive.
  • Focus on the positives of school, such as all the new friends they’ll make, all the new activities they’ll participate in, new play equipment and sports facilities, and how school can be a huge adventure.
  • Show them the school, initially through a brochure or website and later during an organised visit where you can both ask questions during the tour. This will help them feel more at home when they arrive as well as helping them know what to expect.
  • Find a friend who will also be attending the same school and the same class. Perhaps one of their peers from nursery/preschool may be attending — perfect if so. If not, ask around to find someone who is and arrange play dates so the children can get acquainted in advance. Knowing they will have a friend there in advance is going to help your child hugely once they start school.
  • Ensure your child gets ample sleep, especially in the run-up to starting school, otherwise, they’ll struggle to stay awake or concentrate at school. Sleep is incredibly good for children anyway.
  • Allow children to sync their body clocks with the hours they’ll be awake once they begin school. So, set a suitable bedtime and getting up time for your child in the weeks before school starts — and stick to it. Towards bedtime, allow your child to gently wind down and ensure they avoid the use of electronic screens (TVs, iPads etc.) during this period. It will help your child get to sleep.
  • Purchase/source any uniform, Wellington boots, shoes, clothes, backpack and PE kit required for school, ensuring it’ll all be the right size for your child once they begin. It’s a good idea to put your child’s name on each item too. Check with your child’s school what else they may need, for example, stationery, lunch box, etc.
  • Practise the school route. A dummy run along the route to school on a weekday is a great idea during the week before your child begins school. Time it to coincide with the real schedule you’ll be following once your child is attending so that you’ll get a feel for how much traffic there will be. Make any adjustments needed so you’ll not be late when the time comes.

On the Day Before the 1st Day of School:

  • Ensure your child knows what's in their backpack and that it's all labelled with their name.Pack your child’s backpack and ensure it includes everything they’ll need. For example, perhaps a snack and/or lunch box, any spare clothes, PE kit, stationery if needed, and so on.
  • Ensure everything is labelled with their name, as appropriate.
  • Go through the backpack with your child so they know what’s in there and where everything is.

On the Day:

  • Be on time. Dropping off or picking up late will stress both you and your child out!Be on time. Dropping off or picking up late will stress both you and your child out!
  • Don’t fuss; it’ll only make your child more nervous.
  • Remind your child that you’ll be there to pick them up at the end of the school day.

Outstanding Childcare & Early Years Education in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

Award-Winning Weekday Childcare Services in Central Lancashire

An outstanding childcare provider

Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

Little Acorns is an outstanding nursery and preschool located in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley. This is backed up by our prestigious Best Individual Nursery Award and an ‘Outstanding Provider’ status from Ofsted. So, if you’d like your baby, toddler, or preschooler to have the very best start in life, consider Little Acorns Day Nursery. We’ll bring out the very best in them and do everything possible to ensure they’re as ready as possible by the time they leave us to begin school.

Please select an option from the buttons below to get started on your application, ask a question or request a guided tour with your little one.

Little Acorns Nursery is also conveniently close by for families in Clayton Brook, Clayton Green, Thorpe Green, Pippin Street, Buckshaw Village, Whittle-le-Woods, Farington, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall, Euxton, Leyland and Penwortham.

Let's Get to Know Wild Mammals! An Educational Nature Activity for Kids — with Free Poster

Let's Get to Know Wild Mammals! An Educational Nature Activity for Kids — with Free Poster

World Wildlife Day (3 March)Children and childcare staff at Little Acorns Nursery love nature. So, with World Wildlife Day coming earlier this month and Spring now upon us, it’s the perfect opportunity to release our free Wild Mammals poster. Shown in full colour and printable in high resolution at A3 or A4, it features 20 British¹ wild land mammals that young children can learn to identify and look out for. Some can be seen when on walks, on holiday, or even perhaps at the local park, while others are rather more elusive — but that just makes it more exciting for children when they finally spot them! The poster is perfect for displaying on the wall at home — and is a fun way to both intrigue and educate children, including under-fives. With that in mind, why not download your free land mammals poster today, print it out, and get your little ones closer to nature?

“Nature is a tool to get children to experience not just the wider world. But themselves.” (Stephen Moss)

Nature is So Good for Children!

As we’ve reported before, nature is really good for children! Its many benefits include improved attention, reduced stress, better academic performance, improved self-confidence, higher levels of empathy, enhanced fitness, motor skills and coordination, boosted imaginations and a whole raft of other important benefits. Learn more about the importance of nature to children here.

“Children are born with a sense of wonder and an affinity for nature. Properly cultivated, these values can mature into ecological literacy, and eventually into sustainable patterns of living.” (Zenobia Barlow)

Importantly too, nature-based activities like spotting mammals, birds, butterflies, minibeasts, and wildflowers will also encourage children to get actively interested in conservation issues as they grow older. By appreciating nature and flora and fauna from a young age, they are more likely to want to help protect the natural world in the future, including into adulthood. Such a path can lead to healthier lifestyles, greener choices, and a better world for everyone to live in. And that’s all part of what World Wildlife Day was all about back on the 3rd of March this year.

Download Your Free Wild Mammals Poster

With all that in mind, take a look at the preview of today’s free British Wild Mammals poster below. Click it to view or download the high-resolution PDF version, which will give you the best print-out quality. Whether you right- or left-click to download the poster file will depend on your own particular device’s set-up, so perhaps try both and you’ll soon see which type of click will enable you to save the PDF poster to your device’s drive. Then view it in Acrobat (available free here) and print it out from there.

Preview of the free Wild Mammals poster (click to view or download in Acrobat PDF format).

“We don’t inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” (Unknown)

So, try to ensure children under your care get ample access to nature and the natural environment — it’s so good for them. The free wildlife posters and charts available on this website should help to encourage that, whilst intriguing and educating children too.

Looking for an Outstanding Nursery in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley?

Little Acorns Nursery is an outstanding, award-winning childcare provider

An outstanding childcare provider

Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

Little Acorns is an outstanding and award-winning childcare nursery in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley. Ofsted rates us an ‘Outstanding Provider’ and our National Nursery award speaks volumes about the quality of our childcare service. So, if you want the very best start for your baby, toddler or preschooler and live in Central Lancashire, Little Acorns Nursery offers an outstanding choice. We give children a complete early years education and bring out the very best in them so they can reach their full potential. We also support Government-funded childcare schemes for eligible families.

Get in touch to register your child for a nursery place, or come for a visit to see how well they’ll fit in. We’re here to answer any questions too.

Little Acorns is a nursery and preschool in Clayton-le-Woods, near Chorley, offering the highest-quality childcare and early years education to under-fives. That includes those from nearby towns and villages including Clayton Brook, Clayton Green, Thorpe Green, Pippin Street, Buckshaw Village, Whittle-le-Woods, Farington, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall, Euxton, Leyland and Penwortham.

1. By ‘British’ we mean wild mammals that can be found in Britain. We appreciate, however, that some animals shown on the poster are not indigenous to the UK and originated in other countries. Examples include the Muntjac Deer, which came over from China, and some red squirrels that were imported from abroad to bolster our own dwindling populations.
Little Citizen Scientists Needed for the Big Garden Birdwatch

Little Citizen Scientists Needed for the Big Garden Birdwatch

January's Big Garden Birdwatch is a perfect home learning opportunity that's fun and benefits children in a multitude of ways.January’s Big Garden Birdwatch is a perfect home learning opportunity where children can find out about wild birds and get a better understanding of nature itself. What’s more, it’s a hugely worthwhile event that will benefit birds, conservation efforts, and children themselves. The activity also demonstrates how easy it is for little ones to become citizen scientists. With that in mind, let’s explore today the Big Garden Birdwatch, explain what it is, how to take part, and why it’s important for families to get involved.

What Is the Big Garden Birdwatch?

The Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s biggest garden wildlife survey and is organised by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). It’s an annual survey of garden birds and is undertaken in late January each year by individuals, families and children right across the UK. Taking part is free and typically takes just one hour.

What’s the Goal?

The idea of the Big Garden Birdwatch is to understand how garden birds are faring in the UK.The idea of the Big Garden Birdwatch is to understand how garden birds are faring in the UK. Sadly, many bird populations are in decline, with some species facing huge declines over recent decades. Some 38 million fewer birds are now seen compared to 60 years ago. Song Thrush populations, for example, are down by 80% since the survey started in 1979. Even House Sparrow numbers have more than halved during that time. By studying the bird populations each year, trends can be identified including whether any bird species are in danger. Then the RSPB and other conservation organisations can work out what the problems are and how we might go about rescuing the situation as a nation. It also follows that, if there is a problem with bird populations, then there is likely to be a wider problem in nature too. This could be, for example, due to disease, over-intensive farming methods, habitat loss, invasive species, climate change, use of chemicals in gardens and farmland, and so on. Gathering data across the UK each January will help guide the nation to improve things — and children can help by getting involved in the Big Garden Birdwatch each January.

How Children & Families Can Take Part

Taking part is easy and takes just 4 steps:

  1. Register here to take part Children simply count how many birds of each species land on their patch at any one time.— it’s quick, easy and free to do so. Once registered you’ll receive detailed instructions in your free guide to the event, which includes your free bird identification reference sheet. This will be useful to you and your children so each bird species can be recognised more easily.
  2. Next, choose an outdoor spot to monitor. This will be your ‘patch’ and it could be your garden, balcony or perhaps even a local park. Optionally before the event begins (late January – see below), you may wish to start putting out bird food to attract more birds to the patch in the run-up to the event.
  3. Sometime during the period 26-28 January 2024, spend an hour noting down how many birds of each species you see actually land at any one time on your patch. So, for example, if you see four blackbirds during the hour but only 3 land on the patch at the same time, you’d count that as 3. That’s simply to avoid counting the same bird more than once.
  4. Once complete, fill in and submit your survey results to the RSPB. This can be done any time from 26 January to 18 February 2024 and indeed that link may only work during that date range. You can submit more than one survey if you like, so long as each submission is for a different location/patch. The RSPB will then analyse all the submissions from across the UK and be able to see how each bird species is faring.

Can’t get outdoors?

If you can’t get outdoors for any reason, don’t feel left out. Children and families can undertake the January birdwatching event from a window or balcony too, so long as they can view an outdoor patch where birds are likely to land.

The Huge Benefits of Nature to Children

Children love feeding birds and wild creatures!This wonderful activity is a great way to encourage families outdoors, where children benefit from nature in a myriad of ways. From lower stress and increased well-being to improved academic performance, stimulated imaginations, and better sleep, the benefits of nature to children are profound. Studies show that even a view of nature will benefit children — it’s incredible! Click the bold green link for more details.

The survey is also a great opportunity for children to practise counting and enhance numeracy skills. It’s also a good excuse to get creative, for instance by building a cardboard or stick bird-spotting ‘hide’ — the perfect den from which to watch the birds when the time comes.

Involvement in the Big Garden Birdwatch also allows children to get a better understanding of conservation issues and the need to protect nature and the planet. That’s incredibly important, not least because today’s children will be tomorrow’s caretakers of our precious Earth.

Reference & Bird Identification

The RSPB's bird identification sheet for January 2024.Together with the RSPB, we also have bird identification covered for children. The first option is the RSPB’s free bird reference sheet, which families will receive when they register for the event. Their digital version is best because it’s more environmentally friendly, is quicker to access, and usually shows a larger list than is shown on their printed version.

Free bird identifier poster — download available so children can print out and see how many birds they can identify over the course of a year.However, don’t forget that Little Acorns Nursery also published our own bird identification poster for children last year. That is also free to download (follow that bold green link) and shows many more species of birds than the RSPB’s option — perfect if children are really interested in bird spotting and want to continue after the January event.

A pine cone bird feeder that is simple for children to make at home.How to Encourage Birds to Visit Your Garden

If children and families want to make a real success of the Big Garden Birdwatch event, a few preparation measures will help attract more birds to their patch. We have that covered too with our separate post all about how to make home-made bird feeders and another explaining a number of excellent tips on bird feeding for under-fives. In addition, the RSPB offers a discount on bird food, purchased via their website, to anyone that registers for the event.

Outstanding Childcare in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

Looking for the Best Nursery or Preschool in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, or Central Lancashire?

An outstanding childcare provider

Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

Today’s article was brought to you by Little Acorns Nursery in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, an outstanding provider of childcare and early years education. Our outstanding nursery status is backed up by Ofsted and an important National Nursery Award too. So, if you want the very best start for your baby or child under five and live in the area, consider Little Acorns Day Nursery for your weekday childcare provision. We’ll bring out the best in your child, help them achieve personal bests, and give them the tools to absolutely thrive. We support many different Government-funded free childcare schemes too, making childcare more affordable for those who are eligible.

Get in touch today to request a nursery place, arrange a free tour of the setting, or ask us any questions — we’re here to help!

As well as being perfectly located for families in Clayton-le-Woods and Chorley, we may also suit those living nearby in Clayton Brook, Clayton Green, Thorpe Green, Pippin Street, Buckshaw Village, Whittle-le-Woods, Farington, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall, Euxton, Leyland or Penwortham.

Encouraging Learning Through Play at Home

Encouraging Learning Through Play at Home

Parents play a crucial role in fostering an environment that supports exploration, curiosity, and growth through home-based play.As we discussed in our recent post The Power of Learning Through Play in Early Childhood, play helps babies and children to improve cognitive skills, social skills, motor skills and emotional growth. It feeds the imagination, boosts creativity and fosters a love of learning. Language skills benefit, problem-solving abilities are enhanced, and children naturally pick up maths concepts and even elements of science through play. With that in mind, today’s post follows up with the topic of Encouraging Learning Through Play at Home.

How to Encourage Learning Through Play at Home

Play-based learning doesn’t stop when children leave childcare nurseries; it continues at home, where parents and caregivers play a crucial role in fostering an environment that supports exploration, curiosity, and growth through play. Through the suggestions outlined below, parents can help children more optimally benefit from everything that learning through play provides — while at home.

Create a Playful Space

Designate an area in your home for play — even a corner with a few age-appropriate toys, books, and art supplies may be sufficient.Designate an area in your home for play. It doesn’t need to be elaborate — even a corner with a few age-appropriate toys, books, and art supplies may be sufficient. Ensure, of course, that the space is safe and free from hazards before your child embarks on their play activities.

Be a Playful Partner

Getting involved in your child’s play is hugely beneficial to the quality and impact of children’s play. Play together, ask questions, foster feedback that’s two-way, and encourage imaginative storytelling during play sessions. Your active participation not only deepens the bonding experience but also profoundly enhances their learning.

Limit Screen Time

Screens are now a pervasive part of modern life, and they can be both a blessing and a challenge. TV, educational apps, interactive websites, and streaming services can provide valuable learning experiences, but too much screen time can have adverse effects on children’s development. At the very least, excessive screen time can potentially impede the development of essential social and motor skills. Therefore try to limit the time your child spends on screens, including TV, tablets, and smartphones. Instead, encourage physical, interactive, and imaginative ‘real life’ play — and your child will reap great rewards. It’s a fine balance between accommodating the digital age and ensuring children take part in real-world activities that support educational growth and development.

Embrace Outdoor Play

Outdoor playing and learning covers many of the areas outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage ('EYFS') learning and development framework.Outdoor play also offers a wealth of learning opportunities. It promotes physical health, stimulates the senses, and allows for unstructured exploration, which all contribute to holistic development. Take your child to the park, explore nature, or simply play with them in the back garden if you have one. Outdoor activities will also foster an appreciation for the natural world. Indeed, we wrote a whole post about the many benefits of outdoor play and another about the huge benefits of nature to children. Take a look at these important topics by following the bold links.

Encourage Pretend Play

Pretend play, such as role-playing with costumes or setting up a pretend kitchen or suchlike, fosters creativity and imagination — and is huge fun for your child. Encourage your child to take on different roles and scenarios during such playtime and watch their creativity and imagination soar!

Read and Explore Together

Reading is a wonderful way to support learning through play.Reading is a wonderful way to support learning through play. Choose age-appropriate books, of course, and be sure to engage in interactive storytelling. Ask and encourage questions about the story, encourage your child to predict what might happen next, and ask them what they might do if it were them in the story. Books and reading teach children so many things and, like pretend play above, truly encourage their imaginations and get their creative juices flowing. Learn more about how you can supercharge your child’s education through reading here.

Let Them Lead

Children learn at their own pace, so be patient and, on the whole, allow them to take the lead during play. Avoid over-structuring playtime; instead, let it flow naturally, following your child’s interests and cues. Doing so will ensure they remain engaged in the activity. Do, of course, sometimes inject new, perhaps creative ideas into their play, though. As adults, we can steer children subtly in their play when there’s an idea or concept that they may not be familiar with and may otherwise have missed out on. Simple examples could include introducing the concept of using different voices for different characters in a role-playing game and showing them a different way to build a structure in a building block or construction-based game.

Celebrate Achievements

Be sure to acknowledge and celebrate your child’s achievements during play. Whether it’s completing a challenging task, creating a masterpiece, or achieving something new, positive reinforcement will make play more fulfilling and boost children’s self-esteem. It’ll also, of course, make the activity more joyful and fun for the child — and that’s a sure-fire way to motivate them to play and learn even more.

Encourage Social Play

Arrange play dates with other children or involve siblings in play activities at home.Arrange play dates with other children or involve siblings in play activities at home. Social play helps children learn essential social skills like cooperation, sharing, and conflict resolution. It’s also a great way to make new friendships, learn from each other, and become a closer member of friendship circles.

Age-Appropriate Toys

When playing involves toys and props, ensure your child has access to those that encourage open-ended play and creativity. Blocks, arts and crafts materials, and imaginative play sets like dolls or action figures are excellent examples as they allow children to lead the direction that their play session follows. With such toys, their imaginations can run riot and they can get truly creative. Rotate the choice of toys and introduce new ones to keep playtime fresh and engaging over time.

An Outstanding Childcare Nursery in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

An outstanding childcare provider

Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

Just like at Little Acorns Nursery, your home can be a vibrant hub for play-based learning. A nurturing environment, the right resources and materials, and actively engaging with children during play, will empower them to explore, learn, and grow. By embracing the power of play at home and in settings like Little Acorns, we are paving the way to a brighter future where young minds flourish, curiosity thrives, and discovery is both fun and educational.

Little Acorns is an outstanding nursery in Clayton-le-Woods, near Chorley. Indeed, we are officially an Outstanding Provider according to Ofsted and that’s backed up by our prestigious national nursery award. We also support Government-funded childcare schemes for eligible families, making childcare more affordable for Central Lancashire families. If you want the very best for your baby, toddler or preschooler, register them for a place or bring them on a guided tour and we’ll be delighted to show you around and answer any questions. Get in touch:

Little Acorns Nursery is ideally suited for families seeking an outstanding childcare service in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley. It may also suit those living nearby in Clayton Brook, Clayton Green, Thorpe Green, Pippin Street, Buckshaw Village, Whittle-le-Woods, Farington, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall, Euxton, Leyland or Penwortham.

Autumn Nature Hunt — a Fun Activity for Children (with Free Reference Sheet)

The autumn season brings with it a treasure trove of fascinating natural things for children to discover.By mid-November, autumn is in full swing and leaves are turning a myriad of different colours. Scenes of green, yellow, red and golden trees can be breathtakingly beautiful and the air is often crystal clear at this time of year — that’s great for photos! The autumn season also brings with it a treasure trove of fascinating natural things that children can discover if they take the time to look. Indeed, an autumn nature hunt is the perfect excuse for little ones to spend some time outdoors, where they will also benefit from outdoor play and everything that nature has to offer children. Whether finding gorgeous sweet chestnuts, cute acorns, dangly catkins, fascinating fir cones or highly coloured leaves, children will love an autumn treasure hunt and are sure to be enthralled by what they find. It’s a magical time of year! With all that in mind, we have prepared a free activity sheet that children and families can download, print out, and take with them as a visual reference when they next venture outdoors. We suggest children make a start soon, while all the natural wonders are abundant. Download your free Autumn Nature Hunt Reference Sheet (preview below) and get started today!

Free autumn nature hunt reference sheet (preview - click to download in Acrobat PDF format).


  • Children must be supervised and educated about potential dangers and hazards.Ensure children, particularly the very young, receive appropriate adult supervision at all times. Although fascinating and fun, the outdoors holds many hazards for the unwary. Therefore, children will need to be closely monitored by a responsible adult in order to safeguard their well-being.
  • Children should also be educated about all outdoor health and safety matters. For example, they’ll need to know they mustn’t stray far, speak with strangers, or go too close to hazards like fires, ponds, lakes, steep slopes or trip hazards. They will also need to learn not to touch berries, fungi and other potentially poisonous or dangerous flora and fauna. They must be careful not to hurt themselves on the sharp points of things like chestnut cases and even things like acorns are potential choking hazards (so keep away from mouths). And so on (the above are just a few examples).
  • Supervising adults will need to do their own risk assessments, as well as helping children learn to do so.
  • Last but not least, ensure your child takes the Autumn Nature Hunt reference sheet with them, along with something safe and suitable to put their nature treasures in (for example, a jute bag or backpack).

Nature & Forest School at Little Acorns Nursery

Forest School sessions in and around Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, in Central Lancashire

An outstanding childcare provider

Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

At Little Acorns Nursery in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, we understand the importance of nature in children’s early years. That’s why we post nature-based activity ideas like this one today. It’s also why we are a Forest School setting. Through Forest School sessions children, including our under fives, get to enjoy, experience, and learn from everything that nature has to offer — and that’s a lot! Follow the bold links for more information or learn more about Forest School and what it’s about here.

If you would like your baby, toddler or preschooler to attend a truly outstanding nursery or preschool in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, then look no further than Little Acorns Nursery. We’re rated as outstanding by Ofsted, won an incredibly prestigious National Nursery Award and, as we mentioned before, also run Forest School sessions for our children.

Get in touch using an option below and we’ll be delighted to welcome you and your little one, answer any questions, and take the first steps in regard to your childcare application:

Little Acorns Nursery & Preschool is located in Clayton-le-Woods, so may also suit families living or working nearby in Chorley, Clayton Brook, Clayton Green, Thorpe Green, Pippin Street, Buckshaw Village, Whittle-le-Woods, Farington, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall, Euxton, Leyland and Penwortham.

The Rewards of Learning a Musical Instrument in Early Childhood

Children who learn to play a musical instrument discover a whole world of opportunities and advantages, many of which can last a lifetime.While listening to music has a unique way of resonating with the human spirit, actually creating it on a musical instrument elevates that connection to entirely new levels. What’s more, learning to play an instrument leads to a whole host of multifaceted benefits. Whether tinkling piano keys, strumming guitar strings, or playing a wind instrument, children who learn to play a musical instrument will soon discover a whole world of opportunities and advantages that extend far beyond the realm of melody and harmony. With that in mind, today’s article explores the myriad of sometimes surprising benefits that learning to play music will bring to children, even at a very young age. Take a look below and discover how musicianship could benefit your child, extend their skills and potentially enrich their life profoundly.

Emotional and Psychological Benefits

At an emotional and psychological level, music is a universal language — and it speaks to the heart. It’s no surprise, therefore, that learning an instrument can foster emotional intelligence, facilitate self-expression, and aid stress reduction in children. It provides a perfect safe space from which they can explore and express their feelings. From the soothing melodies that can calm their nerves to the triumphant crescendos that may boost mood and confidence, music has a truly profound impact on their emotional well-being.

Studies have shown that when a child learns to play an instrument, their brain undergoes changes in areas related to memory, problem-solving, and emotional processing.

Cognitive Benefits

Children who take up musical instruments often excel in memory, problem-solving, and mathematical skills.The influence of music on brain development is nothing short of remarkable. Learning to play an instrument engages various parts of the brain simultaneously and is like a 360-degree workout for the mind! As such, its cognitive benefits are profound. Children who take up musical instruments therefore tend to excel in memory, problem-solving, and mathematical skills. Indeed, studies have shown that musical training can lead to improved academic performance, enhancing children’s abilities, particularly in subjects like mathematics and science. So, when your child learns to play a violin, piano, guitar or even a simple recorder, they’re not just making music; they’re also fine-tuning their cognitive abilities.

Improved Reading Skills

With this workout for the brain comes a deep focus on reading the musical notation and every little detail within it. Such focus will help children to read the written word too. Indeed, by comparison to printed music, text in fiction and non-fiction books may soon seem simple. Better literacy skills will naturally follow.

Enhanced Language & Communication Development

Have you ever noticed how children love to sing along with their favourite songs? Music and language are closely intertwined and the good news is that learning an instrument enhances language acquisition and communication skills in infants and toddlers. Lyrics, rhythmic patterns and melodies help them grasp the nuances of language more effectively, with enhanced listening, hearing and verbal skills coming naturally as a result. As such, an involvement with music sets a strong foundation for communication in children.

Enhanced Creativity & Imagination

Making music is a powerful tool for unlocking children's artistic potential.Learning an instrument represents a real journey of creativity and imagination. Children explore melodies, experiment with harmonies, and may often progress to compose their own tunes. This creative process nurtures their imagination and encourages them to think in new and alternative ways. Making music really is a powerful tool for unlocking children’s artistic potential.

Improved Coordination & Motor Skills

Whether it’s plucking strings, pressing keys, or striking drums, playing an instrument requires precise coordination and fine motor skills. Practising music while learning to control their instrument will thereby help children develop dexterity and hand-eye coordination. These are important skills that extend to and benefit many other areas of their lives.

Building Confidence & Self-Esteem

Every time a child learns a new piece or performs in front of an audience it will, in turn, naturally boost their self-esteem. Musical achievements are, after all, rather like a series of stepping stones that, once successfully navigated, lead to greater confidence. Through learning to play music, children will learn that with dedication and practice, they can conquer challenges and achieve goals.

Social & Teamwork Skills

As well as simply being enjoyable, group music lessons and ensemble playing will teach children valuable social and teamwork skills.Music is often a collaborative endeavour and that, in itself, will bring additional benefits to children. As well as simply being enjoyable, group music lessons and ensemble playing will teach children valuable social and teamwork skills. Through music-making, they will learn to listen, cooperate, and communicate effectively with others at appropriate times — and even to make more friends. Such skills go well beyond the world of music and are fundamental in importance and positive impact.

Improved Self-Discipline

Children who learn to play a musical instrument will establish regular practice routines and tend to commit to a consistent, sustained effort. Such habits will instil good self-discipline and time management skills in the children and these will serve them well in various other aspects of their lives.

Lifelong Passion & Career Opportunities

Perhaps most importantly, learning an instrument can ignite a lifelong passion for music. As the famous musician Sting once said, music is its own reward. It is a gift that keeps on giving, offering joy and fulfilment that can often last throughout children’s lives. And, for those who truly embrace it, music can even open doors to exciting career opportunities in the field.

Age-Appropriate Music Activities

When selecting a musical instrument for a child, several factors should be taken into account. Consider their age, physical size, and dexterity. For example, some instruments like recorders and ocarinas may be more suitable for young beginners, due to their size and simplicity. With that said, how can children get started? Let’s take a brief look.

  • When selecting a musical instrument for a child, several factors should be taken into account.For infants and toddlers, musical exploration can start with simple activities like singing lullabies, clapping to a rhythm, or playing with simple musical or percussive toys. These activities introduce them to the world of sound and rhythm in a playful and engaging way.
  • Preschoolers can begin experimenting with basic instruments like xylophones, shakers, and handbells. Interactive games involving singing and movement help develop their sense of rhythm and coordination. Nursery rhymes and simple songs with repetitive melodies are also excellent choices.
  • As children grow, they can explore more complex musical activities. Consider enrolling them in group music classes or introducing them to instruments like the recorder, keyboard, ukulele or, as they grow bigger, larger instruments like guitars, pianos and even cellos. Encourage creativity by allowing them to compose their own songs or experiment with different sounds. Once they become older, they may show interest in specific instruments or genres. Encourage them to join school bands or orchestras, take private lessons, or explore digital music production. The key is to support their evolving interests and skills.

As you can see, the benefits of learning a musical instrument as a child are vast and far-reaching. It’s not just about creating beautiful music; it’s about nurturing so much more than that in children. So, if you’re considering enrolling your child in music lessons, know that you’re not just giving them a skill; you’re giving them a ticket to a world of opportunities and lifelong enjoyment. So, embrace the almost limitless possibilities that music offers, and watch your child flourish in ways you could never have imagined.

Little Acorns: An Outstanding Nursery in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

An outstanding childcare provider

Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

If you’re searching for an outstanding nursery in Clayton-le-Woods or near Chorley, then look no further than Little Acorns Nursery. Rated as an ‘Outstanding Provider’ of childcare services by Ofsted and with a unique national nursery award under its belt, the setting offers the very best start for babies, toddlers and preschoolers in Central Lancashire and beyond. We support all Government-funded childcare schemes for eligible families and are also a Forest School setting where your child can benefit from everything that nature has to offer. Why not register your child for a place, request a guided tour with your child, or ask any questions if you have any? We’ll be delighted to help.

Located at Clayton-le-Woods near Chorley, Little Acorns Nursery may also be convenient for those living or working near Clayton Brook, Clayton Green, Thorpe Green, Pippin Street, Buckshaw Village, Whittle-le-Woods, Farington, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall, Euxton, Leyland or Penwortham.