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Children Get Ready for National Storytelling Week!

Children Get Ready for National Storytelling Week!

National Storytelling Week for 2025 begins on Saturday the 1st of February and ends on Sunday the 9th.With the start of the new year now behind us, it’s time for children to get ready to take part in National Storytelling Week. This year it begins on Saturday the 1st of February and ends on Sunday the 9th. It’s a wonderful initiative that brings children and families together to use their imaginations, get creative, and entertain one another. What better time of the year to do that than during mid-winter? National Storytelling Week is perfectly timed to be a fabulous antidote to cold, blustery, winter days and is a wonderful way for children to escape through the power of the mind.

National Storytelling Week

Saturday 1st to Sunday 9th February 2025

This year’s theme, as set by the National Literacy Trust, is Reimagine your world. It’s an open-ended theme that will allow children of all ages the freedom to create stories in an unconstrained way. With so many possibilities available to them, they can stretch their imaginations and get their creative juices flowing. They can choose to imagine anything from small, subtle changes to the world they live in, right through to worlds that are completely transformed from the reality that they’re familiar with. Imaginations can run riot and the possibilities are infinite!

Great Reasons for Children to Get Involved

Storytelling is hugely powerful and benefits children in a myriad of ways.Whether listening to another’s story or creating it themselves, storytelling is a fun activity for children and adults alike. In either case, imagination is a powerful thing that will allow children to immerse themselves in new worlds, new situations, and new adventures. What’s more, it can even allow them to temporarily become someone or something else. That’s hugely powerful!

Storytelling is incredibly beneficial to children:

  • Storytelling stretches children’s imaginations, allowing them to see new possibilities that might otherwise never have occurred to them.
  • It boosts children’s creativity and critical thinking skills.
  • It enhances literacy skills including speaking, listening, reading, and writing, including vocabulary.
  • Through all of the above, storytelling helps to improve children’s communication skills.
  • It teaches them about the world and helps them to make sense of it.
  • It encourages empathy by allowing them to step into the shoes of another person, animal, or thing.
  • Storytelling helps children relax, enjoy quality time, and escape from their usual life for a while — great if they’ve had a challenging day or week.
  • Storytelling is a wonderful vehicle via which children can express themselves, feel seen, and feel heard.
  • It is also a superb way for children to learn about topics they might otherwise have not experienced.
  • It opens their eyes to possible careers in the creative industries, for example, writing for fiction/non-fiction books, the media, journalism, copywriting, blogging, travel writing, etc.
  • Storytelling is free — and huge fun!

Such benefits will help children during childhood as well as when they’re older — potentially even enhancing their careers.

Starting Points & Storylines

With a theme as open-ended as reimagining their world, children have free reign to come up with all kinds of storylines and scenarios.With a theme as open-ended as reimagining their world, children have free reign to come up with all kinds of storylines and scenarios. When it comes to creating stories the world is, as they say, their oyster and it’s only limited by their imaginations. They could perhaps come up with some kind of fantasy with colourful landscapes, magic, and weird, wonderful creatures. Or perhaps the story revolves around a futuristic city where travel by hoverboard is the norm. Or maybe the storyline is something more simple and subtle that’s not so different to reality. It’s entirely their choice and, for supervising adults and parents, it’ll certainly be interesting to see what they create.

“The most extraordinary story can come from the most ordinary place: it just needs someone to find it.” — The Literacy Trust.

Tips for Storytelling Success

  • A well set up storytelling corner or nook will encourage children to regularly read, tell stories, get creative, and spend quality time.First-time storytellers may better grasp the idea if an adult/parent first tells a story as an example. This will help them see what’s possible — and indeed show that anything is possible.
  • New storytellers may also find it easier, initially, to base their story on an existing one that they’ve perhaps seen on TV or read about. Once they get the hang of it, they can adapt more and branch out into new, unique, stories created from scratch.
  • Encourage interaction. Creativity will be boundless, fun, and insightful if listening children can ask questions of the storyteller or even suggest plot twists and storylines.
  • Children can brainstorm ideas, whether individually, with parents/carers, or in friendship groups.
  • One child could start the story and the next child could add to it as a way of allowing the story to unfold in unexpected ways. In this way, the story could gradually build up through team effort.
  • Props really bring stories to life — for example hand puppets or using cuddly toys as placeholders for characters in the story. Children will love this!
  • Encourage the use of different voices and even accents for different characters in the story. This makes the story more realistic and immersive.
  • Different volumes and reading paces bring stories to life too. Examples include whispering to build suspense, speaking faster when the story gets more frantic, using a louder voice when a character needs to be more animated, altering one’s spoken cadence, and so on.
  • A scrapbook of storytelling ideas can be useful. Perhaps clip images from magazines or from print-outs to stick into the scrapbook as a possible reference to spark ideas. It’s a great way of getting children going on the storytelling path.
  • Set your child up a storytelling and reading corner somewhere in the home. This could be somewhere in a quiet corner, alcove, or nook, away from noisy areas or main thoroughfares. Children will also love it being inside something like a tent or teepee. And, when age/safety appropriate, it could include cushions, soft toys and blankets scattered around to make it cosy and even inspiring. A storytelling corner or nook will encourage children to regularly visit the area to read, tell stories, get creative, and spend quality time.

So families, grab this opportunity to bring some magic and creativity to the otherwise cold, wintery days that can otherwise feel so limiting for children. They will enjoy the escapism, the adventure, the possibilities and the entertainment that storytelling brings. And, when they have been active participants, they’ll feel empowered by the discovery of creative skills they may not have realised they even had. Storytelling is immersive and magical for both speaker and listener and is beneficial in so many ways. So, make the most of National Storytelling Week this year and get children involved. Watch as they realise the endless possibilities that await them. Then, if it’s successful as surely it will be, consider extending storytelling to the whole year!

Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, ChorleyLittle Acorns Nursery is rated as a 'Good Provider' by Ofsted.We love storytelling with the children at Little Acorns Nursery in Clayton-le-Woods! We know how valuable it is to their development, knowledge, and abilities, and how it boosts key EYFS areas of learning. Communication and language, literacy, expressive arts and design are just some examples of this. With that in mind, we ensure every child is nurtured, encouraged, and given every opportunity to garner a complete range of skills that will stand them in great stead as they grow older. And, when the time comes to leave us to begin school, they will have all the tools and abilities they’ll need to thrive independently and with confidence.

Get in touch today to request a guided tour of the nursery, ask any questions, or begin an application for a nursery place for your child at Little Acorns:

Little Acorns is a perfect choice for those seeking high-quality nurseries and preschools in Clayton-le-Woods, near Chorley. We are also convenient for children living in nearby towns and villages. These include Clayton Brook, Clayton Green, Thorpe Green, Pippin Street, Buckshaw Village, Whittle-le-Woods, Farington, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall, Euxton, Leyland, and Penwortham.


News Round-Up for Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

January began the new term with exciting Forest School sessions for our little ones.Having previously published guides and useful information here for parents, we thought it was time for a news round-up to highlight some of the wonderful activities that have been taking place with children at Little Acorns Nursery. Both children and staff have been extremely busy indeed, with exciting new initiatives, outings, special visits and extra-curricular activities. Let’s take a look at some of the most recent.

Forest School Sessions to Start the Year

The pre-school children and ‘Rising 3s’ learnt all about fire safety.January began the new term with exciting Forest School sessions for our little ones. As well as trips to local countryside, woodland and natural open spaces, the pre-school children and ‘Rising 3s’ at Little Acorns learnt all about fire safety and its importance. (Take a look at  the small photographs to see the various activities — click any for a larger view).

The children also enjoyed making some much-needed bird feeders for the local birds, many of whom struggle for food during the winter months. This coincided nicely with the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch, which happens during the last week of January each year. During the annual event, both children and adults are asked to spend one hour outdoors to count up how many birds they see and which species they belong to. The children enjoyed making some pine cone bird feeders for the local birds.This is important for bird conservation, bearing in mind that the UK bird population has fallen by a staggering 38 million birds in only 50 years. Sadly, even some birds that may have been thought of as common are now in trouble — the starling, for example, is now on the RSPB’s ‘Red List’ — their list of birds whose populations have declined to worrying levels. Such birds need all the help they can get from us, so it’s good for children to be aware of the importance of conservation and caring for wild creatures.

“Not all classrooms have four walls.”

With access to the Great Outdoors, children can learn all about nature, the natural environment, and also about themselves.Forest School gives children access to the Great Outdoors so that they can learn all about nature and the natural environment — and also about themselves. As well as being educational and fun, spending time outdoors with nature has many benefits for children and some of these were previously explored here on the blog. Amongst other things, it teaches them new skills and even some they probably didn’t know they had — leadership, teamwork, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, for example. Learn more about Forest School in our comprehensive guide here.

Extra-Curricular Activities & New Skills

Toddler dance lessons are fun but also help to improve coordination, balance and motor skills.Babies and under-five children at Little Acorns Nursery are fortunate to have access to some fun, exciting and educational activities. These are optional but are very popular amongst the little ones. As well as the day-to-day activities and curriculum at the nursery, we also offer:

  • Baby Sensory Sessions, which are a perfect opportunity for babies to have various senses stimulated, potentially resulting in millions of new synapses being formed in their young brains. Sensory stimulation is incredibly important at their young age and we’ll write a separate guide all about it in due course, so watch this space.
  • Toddler Dance Lessons, which are not only immense fun for little ones but also an important activity that helps improve coordination, balance and motor skills.
  • Football sessions allow children to have fun, keep fit, improve motor skills, learn the importance of teamwork and let off steam!Preschool Drama Sessions, where children get to act, role-play and entertain each other in fun and beneficial ways.
  • Football Sessions, which allow children to have fun, keep fit, improve motor skills, learn the importance of teamwork and let off steam!
  • Spanish Lessons, which introduce little ones to a second language, importantly at an early age. They have already mastered English at an incredibly early age, so adding a second language soon afterwards often comes surprisingly naturally to them — and is a great skill to have.

Baby Farm Animals Visit the Children

In January, the children had a surprise visit from 2 beautiful calves, called Louise and Jenny.During January, the children were delighted when they had a surprise meeting with 2 wonderful twelve-week-old baby cows, called Louise and Jenny. Both calves and children were intrigued to meet each other and it was an opportunity that many children may otherwise not have had access to. Special thanks go to one of our lovely parents, who kindly facilitated this magical event with the loan of their beautiful calves.

Weekly Visits to the Library

Our children enjoy weekly visits to the local library. There, they can independently look at their favourite books and discover new ones.One of Little Acorns Nursery’s regular features is our weekly visits to the local library with the children. There, they are able to independently look through their favourite books as well as discovering new ones. Encouraging a love of reading is hugely important as it’ll lead to an understanding of a wider range of topics, it will improve language skills, enhance cognitive development and teach them so much about — well — potentially everything!

The Children Visit a Local Care Home

Children also enjoy monthly visits to the local care home, to meet and interact with the residents there.Children also enjoy their monthly visit to the local care home. It’s a great opportunity to meet and interact with the care home residents, who also really appreciate the youngsters’ company. Children and adults will bond as they talk, sing and even share in craft activities together. It’s a wonderful experience for all parties, teaching children many lessons about life and the importance of community, as well as enhancing communication and social skills. It also really brightens the day for the care home residents.

Gruffalo Crumble in Storytelling Week

As January became early February, toddlers celebrated Storytelling Week in lots of different creative ways.As January became early February, toddlers at Little Acorns Nursery had great fun celebrating Storytelling Week in creative ways. Running between 30th January to 5th February, the event saw children doing things like making their own ‘Gruffalo Crumble’ and ‘Gruffalo Woods’ as well as playing in our ‘Blue River’. The accompanying photo (right) illustrates one of the many creative story-themed activities that the children enjoyed.

Vegetable & Fruit Growing at the Nursery

In February, we bought seeds and strawberry plants for the children, so they can begin the process of growing of their own vegetables and fruit at the nursery.By mid-February, staff and children at the nursery had begun to prepare for another nature-themed activity – the growing of our own vegetables and fruit! So, various seed packets were procured and preparation for sowing the seeds and eventually growing our own produce commenced. The plan is to incorporate this activity into daily nursery life. Children will thereby start to understand the importance of nurturing living plants and the benefits of growing their own food. They’ll learn to be responsible, they’ll learn new things about nature, where food comes from and the importance of tending their own vegetable patch at the nursery. It’s a thoroughly worthwhile and fulfilling activity for them to enjoy too.

We were also delighted when one kind grandmother noticed our Facebook post about this food growing activity and offered us some spare strawberry plants. A huge thanks to her for those and we’re now looking forward to a crop of delicious strawberries too!

An Outstanding Childcare Service & Forest School in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

An outstanding childcare providerLittle Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, ChorleyIf you have a child under five and are looking for the best childcare in Lancashire, explore the opportunity of sending your baby, toddler or preschooler to our outstanding nursery and pre-school. Please get in touch to register your child for a nursery or pre-school place, request a guided tour of the setting or simply to ask any questions. Our staff are always happy to answer queries and to show families around this wonderful childcare setting. Please choose a button to get started:

Little Acorns Nursery offers award-winning childcare in Central Lancashire. We are a nursery and pre-school located in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, also being convenient for families in Clayton Brook, Clayton Green, Thorpe Green, Pippin Street, Buckshaw Village, Whittle-le-Woods, Farington, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall, Euxton, Leyland and Penwortham.

SUPER-CHARGE Your Child's Education Through Reading

In a major study, preschoolers gained a boost of the equivalent of 8 months when they regularly read with a parent or carer.Last year, we wrote a detailed post outlining why every parent should be involved in their child’s education. There’s one particular area, though, that merits its own stand-alone article and that’s reading with your child. Reading with children is incredibly important — and a powerful way to absolutely super-charge their education. Let’s take a look.

Studies show that reading with your under-five can boost their language skills by a staggering 20%.

A 40 year study of pre-school children found enormous positive benefits when children regularly read with a parent or carer. Preschoolers were seen to gain a boost, incredibly, of the equivalent of 8 months. That’s remarkable given that the average age in the study was just 3¼. Particular benefits were clear to see in several areas, including:

  • Understanding (‘receptive language’);
  • Use of vocal grammar and vocabulary (‘expressive language’);
  • In the understanding of word structure and ‘pre-reading’ skills.

Receptive language skills were seen to benefit the most and that’s important — after all, understanding and comprehension of words and meanings are keys to potentially huge growth in many other areas a child’s early years education. Indeed, lacking such abilities has also been shown to really hold children back in terms of later social and educational ability, with poorer outcomes when they’re older.

A Special Boost for Children from Lower Socio-Economic Backgrounds

Instilling a love of reading in children is like educational gold dust.Interestingly, under-five children who came from disadvantaged backgrounds were shown to benefit even more than those who didn’t. For this reason, reading with parents/carers has been proposed as a possible way to close the performance deficit often seen with children from such backgrounds. It may well represent a perfect solution to even up the playing field.

“Receptive language skills – the ability to understand information – are positively affected when pre-school youngsters read with someone who cares for them.”

Read With Children, Not Just To Them

That’s an important factor. Reading to children is all very well and will have benefits, for sure. However, reading with children takes the potential benefits to a whole new level and that’s why it’s the kind of approach we use at Little Acorns Nursery. Parents and carers should also involve their children in the reading. Getting them to interact with what’s being read will also make the reading process fun and interesting for them. For example, explaining what things mean, asking them questions about the story or topic and commenting on their answers. Sometimes get them to repeat words correctly and show them how those words and sounds are made up on the written page. Getting them really involved interactively will make reading both fun and educational. By doing so, you will show them how reading works and you will also be more likely to instil in them a love of reading as they grow older. That is like educational gold dust.

Instilling a love of reading in children is like educational gold dust.

More Benefits of Reading with Children

By getting children to interact with shared reading sessions, they are learning all the time and often in profound ways. That’s true not only in respect of the topics written in the reading material but also in relation to language, grammar, phonics, sentence structure, phrasing, letters, syllables, reading itself and basically the English language as a whole. All these skills are crucial to their current and future success. With good reading and comprehension skills, they’ll learn and excel in all other educational areas and also as individuals going forwards. The importance of all of that cannot be overstated.

Other benefits of regular shared reading sessions with adults include:

  • Children gain a deeper, more profound understanding of a much wider range of topics when they regularly read with a parent.Deeper bonds with parents/carers (after all, this is quality time spent together, one-to-one);
  • Greater imaginations and thereby enhanced creativity skills;
  • Improved social skills due to their improved language skills and knowledge;
  • A better understanding of the world;
  • Improvements to their self-expression skills, including around expression of their emotions;
  • Often even improved empathy skills because they’ll learn, through reading, how to look at things from multiple perspectives, including from those of others;
  • Overall, a deeper, more profound understanding of a much wider range of topics and facts.

Children, particularly in their early years, often take in and comprehend far more than we realise and far more than they can articulate at such a young age. Indeed, millions of new pathways are developed in their young brains with every activity that they undertake. Reading, in particular, teaches children so much, in deep, profound ways. All its benefits can only help children to thrive and optimise their potential to learn, become as well-educated as possible and be successful individuals as they grow older.

Reading is powerful.

Little Acorns Nursery — Outstanding Early Years Education for Under-Fives

An outstanding childcare provider in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, Central LancashireAt Little Acorns, we know the value of reading with children under our care and take every opportunity to do so. We make it fun and interactive in the knowledge that it will help give them a huge boost in their early years education. In so doing, they’ll become more school-ready by the time they leave us at the age of 5 and join reception year at school. Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, Central LancashireIt’ll also give them the tools to absolutely thrive and enjoy better outcomes in their school lives and beyond.

Little Acorns is an award-winning childcare provider with an outstanding Ofsted rating. As such, it represents the best nursery and pre-school in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley and the Central Lancashire area. If you’d like your baby or child to go to the very best childcare setting available, please get in touch:

Arrange a Nursery Visit Send Us a Message Call: 01772 696 288