Tag Archive for: award-winning

Glowing Ofsted Feedback for Little Acorns Nursery, Chorley

Glowing Ofsted Feedback for Little Acorns Nursery, Chorley

Our post today spotlights some of the many glowing comments made by the Ofsted inspector following her recent visit.Today we look at the wonderful Ofsted report published recently for Little Acorns Nursery in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley. Ofsted is The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Their inspector visited this fabulous Lancashire childcare setting in late August and released its official report a month later on 25 September 2024. Our post today spotlights some of the many glowing comments made by the inspector therein, following her visit. It also highlights the reasoning for ‘good provider’ ratings across all areas of the Ofsted report. Take a look and you’ll see why babies, children under five, and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities absolutely thrive at Little Acorns.

How Does Ofsted Rate Little Acorns Nursery, Chorley?

It’s a clean sweep across all sectors of the Ofsted report:

“The provision is good” — Ofsted

  • Ofsted report for Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, LancashireOverall effectiveness: Good
  • The quality of education: Good
  • Behaviour and attitudes: Good
  • Personal development: Good
  • Leadership and management: Good

Let’s look at some of the wonderful comments made by the Ofsted inspector in her latest report for the setting:

  • Children are Happy at Little Acorns Nursery

    It’s great to see that the Ofsted inspector picked up on just how happy children are at Little Acorns Nursery, Chorley:

    “Children are welcomed warmly by the friendly staff. They arrive happily and are excited to spend time with staff and their peers.” — Ofsted

  • Little Acorns Children are Confident

    We also do everything we can to ensure that children feel confident and valued at Little Acorns and it’s good to see that this was also abundantly clear to the Ofsted inspector:

    “Children are confident, and those who need reassurance receive it in abundance from staff. This helps to enhance children’s self-esteem.” — Ofsted


  • Tailored Learning & Support for Children with Special Needs/Disabilities

    Little Acorns Nursery’s support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (‘SEND’) was particularly well regarded by the Ofsted Inspector. In her report, she commented:

    “All children, including those with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make good progress from their starting points.” — Ofsted

    And later …

    “Staff are knowledgeable about the individual needs of all children attending the nursery, including those with SEND. They ensure that, if needed, children are referred to other professionals in a timely manner. Staff work collaboratively with a range of outside agencies. This helps to ensure that the curriculum meets children’s individual needs. — Ofsted

  • Safeguarding — Child Safety at Little Acorns Nursery

    The safety and well-being of children is of paramount importance in any setting. Ofsted recognised the good safeguarding policies and measures taken at Little Acorns Nursery, where staff ensure child safety at all times, including mealtimes:

    “The arrangements for safeguarding are effective […] There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children’s interests first.” — Ofsted

    “Staff notice and minimise risks to children’s health and safety in the nursery. They complete effective risk assessment and take swift action when they identify hazards. Staff show a good understanding of children’s dietary requirements and allergies. Each mealtime, staff check that children only receive food appropriate for their dietary needs.” — Ofsted

  • High-Quality Staff

    The quality of staff at childcare settings is critically important in so many ways. The Ofsted inspector’s comments demonstrate the quality and suitability of the team at Little Acorns Nursery:

    “… staff ensure the smooth running of the setting […] Children are welcomed warmly by the friendly staff.” — Ofsted

    “Staff form close bonds with children. Their nurturing interactions help children settle quickly into nursery routines.” — Ofsted

    Being a good role model to children is also hugely important, especially in the early years. Little Acorns Nursery staff were recognised in this regard as well as in respect to the high-quality curriculum that’s tailored for each child:

    “Staff are positive role models.” — Ofsted

    “Staff create an ambitious curriculum for all children.” — Ofsted

  • Good Behaviour at Little Acorns Nursery

    Nurturing good manners and appropriate behaviour amongst little ones benefits everyone including the children themselves.Any good nursery or childcare provider will ensure that children understand right from wrong and are mindful of the effect their actions have on others, including peers. Nurturing good manners and appropriate behaviour amongst little ones benefits everyone including, of course, the children themselves. Ofsted’s latest report recognised that Little Acorns is very successful in this regard:

    “Staff are positive role models. They help children learn how to share the toys and resources […] children behave well, they understand some rules such as having kind hands. ” — Ofsted

  • Good Support for Children’s Emotional Development

    Sound emotional development goes hand-in-hand with good behaviour. Staff were recognised by the Ofsted inspector for facilitating good emotional development in the children under their care:

    “Staff support children’s emotional development well. Pre-school children […] take turns to discuss what makes them feel happy and why. Children understand about different feelings and they are learning how to regulate their own emotions.” — Ofsted

  • Encouraging Creativity

    Staff provide plenty of opportunities for children to engage in a variety of activities that boost creativity, motor skills and more.Children find messy play hugely rewarding as well as being immense fun. Messy play nurtures children’s imaginations, creativity, dexterity, and self-expression and benefits them in many other ways. It is therefore a crucial part of early years learning and development — and more important than it perhaps sounds. Ofsted picked up on the quality of messy play activities at Little Acorns Nursery within its report:

    “[Staff] provide plenty of opportunities for children to engage in messy play. For example, babies splash in the raspberry filled water tray and explore the lemon and flowers inside. Pre-school children dip their fingers in paint and create their own colour monster. ” — Ofsted

    What’s more, such activities are good for their motor skills and coordination:

    “These opportunities help to develop children’s hand muscles in readiness for early writing.” — Ofsted

  • Nurturing Physical Development in Children

    Physical development is a crucially important part of a child’s early years and, as such, staff at Little Acorns Nursery are always keen to nurture it amongst children under their care:

    “Babies have plenty of space to crawl and to learn to walk. They beam with joy as they climb up the steps before coming down the indoor slide … Toddlers use spades to scoop up sand and fill their buckets. Pre-school children practise their hand eye coordination as they throw balls through hoops with staff outdoors. This helps to develop children’s larger muscle movements.” — Ofsted

  • Nurturing Independence

    Learning how to be more independent is hugely important for children, particularly in their early years. Not only does it help them learn to be more self-sufficient, but it also boosts confidence and self-esteem and helps to better prepare them for school.

    “Staff promote children’s independence well. Toddlers try to put their own superhero costumes and masks on as they dress up. Pre-school children serve their own food at mealtimes. Children are learning how to manage their own personal hygiene. These opportunities help children to feel proud of the tasks they can complete by themselves.” — Ofsted

  • Well-Promoted Communication & Language Skills

    Communication and language are two of the major keystones of child development. Without such skills, children will really struggle. It is therefore heartening to see that the Ofsted inspector recognised the successes of our approach at Little Acorns:

    “Children’s communication and language skills are promoted well.” — Ofsted

  • Good Partnerships with Parents

    Early years education is more successful when all the adults in a child’s life are pulling in the same direction. That’s why staff at Little Acorns Nursery nurture partnerships with children’s parents and it’s good to see both Ofsted and parents recognising this:

    “Overall, partnerships with parents are good. Staff work closely with parents to share updates on their child’s development using the parent app. Parents discuss the positive relationships staff have built with children.” — Ofsted

View or download the full Ofsted Report for Little Acorns Nursery here.

Little Acorns Nursery: a Good, Caring Childcare Provider in Clayton-le-Woods

Little Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, ChorleyLittle Acorns Nursery is rated as a 'Good Provider' by Ofsted.As you can see from the wonderful Ofsted comments in their latest report, Little Acorns is a high-quality nursery in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley. Children have a fabulous start at the setting, in a warm, loving, caring and nurturing environment where the best is brought out in each child in readiness for school. If this sounds like something you’d like for your baby or child under five, contact us, register for a place, or request a free guided visit today:

As an award-winning childcare provider located in Clayton-le-Woods, near Chorley, we may also suit those living in Clayton Brook, Clayton Green, Thorpe Green, Pippin Street, Buckshaw Village, Whittle-le-Woods, Farington, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall, Euxton, Leyland, Penwortham and Central Lancashire.

Help for Children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Help for Children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Today, we look at how early years childcare providers can help children under five if they have special educational needs or disabilities.Today, we look at how early years childcare providers like Little Acorns Nursery can help children under five if they have special educational needs and disabilities. This is often referred to as ‘SEND’ or in longer forms like ‘SEN and disabilities’. Let’s explore the topic to get an overview of some of the help available.

Childcare Help for Children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Early years and childcare providers can support children under five in a variety of ways if they have special educational or developmental needs, and/or a disability. Indeed, helping affected children as early as possible in their lives is of paramount importance:

“Early identification of needs and the timely provision of appropriate support, together with high aspirations, can help ensure that the vast majority of children who have SEN or disabilities can achieve well and make a successful transition into adulthood.” (DfE)*

The specific strategies used will depend on the child’s individual needs and the resources available to any particular provider. That said, typical examples of ways that early years childcare providers — and others — can support children with special needs include the following:

Identifying Children with Special Needs

If an area of special need is suspected, early years providers can work with parents and sometimes other professionals to get an assessment and support if needed.Actually identifying an area of special need or disability is, of course, the first, crucial step in being able to help a child. If an area of special need is suspected, early years providers can work with parents and sometimes other professionals, for example health visitors, speech and language therapists, paediatricians and so on. Involving such professionals will help with any diagnosis.

It’s worth bearing in mind that the presence of a special need may not be crystal clear in many cases, especially when children are very young. As an example, it would not be possible to diagnose dyslexia until a point when a child’s understanding of language is sufficiently developed to actually begin the process of reading text. However, the involvement of such external expertise may make the initial identification of a child’s special need or disability more feasible.

Following such a diagnosis, the various parties surrounding the child can then, together, develop a plan of how best to support that child during their early years and potentially beyond. For our part as a nursery and childcare provider, we will also ensure that we regularly review the support that an affected child receives, making adjustments and taking further actions etc. when appropriate. 

Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Environment

It's important for early years providers to create an inclusive environment that welcomes and supports children of all abilities.This is important. Early years providers can create an inclusive environment that welcomes and supports children of all abilities. Encouraging the inclusion of children in social groups and in the making of friends, for example, is of huge benefit to children’s well-being. Childcare settings can also provide special equipment or adapt the environment to make it more accessible for children with specific physical needs.

Creating a positive and responsive culture is also crucial, so that children feel comfortable to express themselves, irrespective of any differences or abilities/disabilities that they may have.

Additional Support and Resources Through Funding

In some circumstances, childcare providers can access special funding in order to provide additional support and resources to children with special educational needs or disabilities. Examples include the hiring of additional staff to provide one-to-one support, providing extra resources to support learning, or offering additional activities to extend children’s experiences. Access to the specific funding will, though, require eligibility criteria to be met. Often, such funding applications may require a team effort between parents/carers, childcare settings and potentially other types of early years professional mentioned above.

Tailoring Learning & Development Plans & Activities to Meet Individual Needs

Learning and development plans and activities are tailored to suit each child. This is designed to meet the needs of every child individually, including those with special needs.Early years providers like Little Acorns Nursery adapt the individual learning and development plans and activities to suit each child. In this way, they’re custom-designed to meet the needs of every child individually, including those with special needs. This is done as a matter of course as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) approach to early years education and development. The tailored approach helps to level-up the playing field and, in effect, encourage equal opportunities for each child. It also helps them to reach their own personal bests in every area of their learning and development.

Progress Checks

The EYFS approach means that our early years practitioners use a continuous assessment approach in regard to every child’s progress, whether or not they have special needs or any disabilities. However, for those affected by SEN or disabilities, such an approach is even more crucial.

Special education provision for children, including those with SEN or disabilities, follows four stages of action: “Assess, Plan, Do and Review.”

In tandem with this, all children receive a Progress Check at 2 and this will highlight whether progress is on track, additional support is appropriate and indeed whether there is a SEND-related issue. Either way, tailored activities and strategies will be planned and put in place to address any issues and help optimise every child’s progress.

Special education provision for children, including those with SEN or disabilities, follows four stages of action: “Assess, Plan, Do and Review.Later, each child will similarly have an ‘EYFS profile’ completed during the final term of reception year. However, as we’re focusing this article on children under five, we’ll not go into detail about that here.


As well as having a ‘Key Person’ allocated to each child, early years providers like Little Acorns have a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo). The SENCo oversees the setting’s tailored support for children, under their care, who have special educational needs or disabilities. Similarly, the local authority will have an Area SENCO. They will advise and help coordinate support for children with special needs between the local authority itself, the child’s parents, early years and education settings, health and social care services and so on. The Area SENCO will also help when the time comes to transition the under-five child to school.

Communicating with Parents and Other Professionals

Communication is key. Childcare providers like Little Acorns Nursery will communicate regularly with parents/carers and, when appropriate, local authorities, health visitors, paediatricians and other healthcare professionals. This is to ensure that everyone is aware of the child’s progress and any additional support that may be needed. Ensuring that all parties are pulling in the same direction is crucial to outcomes for each child, particularly if they have special needs and/or disabilities.

“When a child is very young, or SEN is first identified, families need to know that the great majority of children and young people with SEN or disabilities, with the right support, can find work, be supported to live independently, and participate in their community.” (DfE)*

EHC Assessments and Plans

In the event that a child does not make the expected progress despite everyone’s best efforts and high quality support, there is recourse to request an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment via the local authority. If such a request is made by a childcare setting, it would only be done with the knowledge of the child’s parent(s) and after discussion with them. Basically, such an assessment may result in a brand new plan to support the child, if that’s deemed appropriate. It’s a big topic in its own right, so we may follow up separately to explain more about EHCs in due course.

The ‘Local Offer’ from the Local Authority

The 'Local Offer' from local authorities outlines the help available in the area for children with SEN or disabilities, including how to access that support.It may be useful for parents and carers to note that local authorities have a duty to publish what’s known as a ‘Local Offer’. This outlines the help available in the area for children with SEND, including how to access that support.

A good example is the Local Offer published by our own local authority (Lancashire County Council), which can be found here. (Note that the early years childcare section of that particular Local Offer can be found here). A quick search there for SEND services will indeed reveal Little Acorns Nursery as an outstanding provider of childcare services, including for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Free Funded Childcare Places for Children with SEND

While all 3- and 4-year-olds in England have access to free childcare provision each week, 2-year-olds with SEND may also be eligible for a significant number of free childcare hours if they get a Disability Living Allowance (‘DLA’), have a valid Education, Health and Care (‘EHC’) plan or have been referred through the local authority’s Portage service. Follow the bold links or speak to us at Little Acorns Nursery if you are local to Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, and would like to learn more more about the options.

Outstanding Childcare in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley

An outstanding childcare providerLittle Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, ChorleyChildren get the very best start at Little Acorns Nursery. Little Acorns is an outstanding nursery and pre-school in Clayton-le-Woods, Chorley, Central Lancashire (PR6). We are also close to Clayton Brook, Clayton Green, Thorpe Green, Pippin Street, Buckshaw Village and Whittle-le-Woods. Farington, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall, Euxton, Leyland and Penwortham, so may suit those living/working in any of those nearby locations. Trust your child’s early years education and childcare to an award-winning nursery/pre-school and a nursery recognised by Ofsted as an Outstanding Provider

To register your child for a place at Little Acorns Nursery, to ask a question or to see the nursery in action, please contact us:

* Quotation references: DfE, ‘Early Years: Guide to the 0 to 25 SEND Code of Practice’

Educational Food Growing Activities for Kids

Nature is incredibly important for children With a little planning, care and effort, children can grow herbs, vegetables and even fruit.and that’s just one of many reasons why little ones should be encouraged to learn about sowing seeds and growing their own plants. Today, we’re taking that a step further by explaining how children can grow plants that will give them real, edible food! With a little planning, care and effort, children can grow herbs, vegetables and even fruit if they put their minds to it. What’s more, it’s possible without a garden and needn’t cost a penny!

The Benefits of Children Growing Their Own Food

If they successfully grow herbs, vegetables or fruit that the family can actually eat, little ones will have an immense sense of achievement — and justifiably so. They will have learnt so much during the process too, including where plants, flowers and foodstuffs come from, how seeds germinate into plants, the relationship between flowers, pollination, seeds and fruit, caring for living things — and the circle of life itself. Children love growing and caring for plants and growing edible food is even better!That will never be more evident than when a seed has grown into a plant that bears fruit, which contains more seeds, through which the whole process can start again.

Children will also love growing plants as an activity. They’ll learn from the responsibility of tending to living plants and seeing the progress that seedlings make when they have cared for them. It’ll be a real milestone, too, when their plants start bearing fruit (… or veg!). And — who knows — harvesting fruit, herbs and vegetables that they can eat may even get them interested in cookery and trying out more foods. All in all, growing food is a brilliant and highly educational activity for little ones.

Growing food is a fun, highly educational activity for little ones.

Take a look below for a few easy and inexpensive ways under-five children can get started.

Shop-Bought Seeds Are a Start But Free Seeds Are Even Better!

Shop-bought vegetables like peppers are full of seeds that can be grown into new plants.Seeds for herbs, vegetables and microgreens are all widely retailed in places like garden centres and even some supermarkets. Each seed packet will usually explain when and how seeds can be planted. This is perhaps the most obvious way for children to grow plants that, if all goes well, result in a healthy crop of food. However, we can be far more adventurous than that! Where is the fun in buying seeds in packets when children can get them for free? Let’s take a look at some cheaper and far more creative ways that children can start things off.

Grow Free Pepper & Tomato Plants!

Seeds from shop-bought tomatoes can be saved and grown into new tomato plants.“Free” you say? Well, pretty much! Next time you have some shop-bought tomatoes and/or peppers as part of your ordinary shopping, get your little one to take a few moments to save some of the seeds. These are found within things like tomatoes, before they’re eaten, and are usually discarded in the case of peppers. Such seeds can simply be spaced out on some compost or earth, watered in and a thin layer of soil or compost added on top. If these are left on the windowsill and the earth kept moist by the child over the coming days, little seedlings will soon start to appear. Our pepper plants were grown from the seeds found in shop-bought peppers. This one is about 4 weeks old.The image of the green plant shows our pepper seedling grown in this exact way — and it was incredibly easy to achieve. Ours is about 3 or 4 weeks old and it’s just about ready to be “planted out” outdoors, to mature. Once mature, they should flower then sprout some new peppers! It’s identical for tomatoes. If children have no garden for larger plants to be transferred to, ‘grow bags’ or any kind of suitable container can be used on a patio or balcony. Children will need to keep watering them every day, to keep the soil moist. Flowers will eventually appear and, with a little help from bees and insects, will be pollinated so that they eventually ‘fruit’. If appropriate care and attention continues, your child will eventually end up with vegetables that can eventually ripen and be eaten. That’s free tomatoes and peppers for the family, in our examples. Don’t forget to remind your child to save a few more seeds, though, so they can repeat the whole process again … and again!

If you have a large enough space in a garden, your child can do a similar activity using the seeds from squashes, pumpkins, marrows, courgettes and suchlike. However, those do take up quite a bit of room.

Grow Free Herbs!

Children will need water their little plants every day, to keep the soil moist.Does your little one know that he/she can grow new herb plants totally free of charge? This is done simply by clipping cuttings from your usual shop-bought herbs and leaving them in water to root. It’s incredibly easy so long as the child has some patience (that’s another useful lesson for them). All the child needs to do is to save some small (3 or 4 inch long) cuttings from the tips of herbs like basil or coriander. For safety, parents/carers may need to help with the cutting part if the children are very young. Cuttings from shop-bought herbs can grow into new plants by leaving them in water to root.The bottom sections of the clipped cuttings should be dangled into a glass, small bottle or other suitable vessel of water and left over a period of days until they sprout roots. See the photo for an example. A clear water vessel, e.g. drinking glass, will allow your child to clearly see the roots. Once suitably long, these new little plants can be transplanted individually into compost/soil in something like flower pots — or indeed a free, recycled alternative like a yoghurt pot. The little ones will need to continue attending to the plants with regular watering so that the herbs grow and mature. This activity can all be done indoors on a windowsill too, so requires minimal space. Growing their own herbs may even make children more inclined to eat them!

Grow Free Extra Lettuce & Celery!

A free and easy way to grow food is to “re-grow” it. This celery base would normally have been discarded, but it's growing new edible stems.Another ridiculously easy way to grow food is to “re-grow” it. A classic example of this is to save the root section from a salad vegetable like iceberg lettuce or celery. This is the part of a shop-bought vegetable that would normally be cut off and discarded. However, in what has to be the easiest food growing activity of all, the child simply needs to keep that root section and leave it root down in water for 1 to 3 weeks. It will eventually grow some roots but, before that, the upper tip will start to sprout new leaves. In our own test using an iceberg lettuce we ended up with loads! That is new, free salad that can be later harvested and eaten. Simple!

More Food Growing Ideas for Kids

Pop the 'root' section of lettuces into water and they will grow new edible leaves. This iceberg lettuce is re-growing in just 2 days.(Speaking of iceberg lettuces): Excuse the pun, but the ideas above are just the tip of the iceberg! There are so many other types of vegetable and fruit that children can grow (or re-grow) for next to nothing. For example, they can grow new apple trees from apple pips and new strawberry plants from the outside skin of strawberries. And the whole topic of growing microgreens merits its own stand-alone article, available here. We may follow up in due course with another batch of food growing ideas for under-fives and, indeed, for people of any age. In the mean time, we hope your little one has some fun with the wonderful ideas above.

Little Acorns: an Outstanding Nursery & Pre-School in Clayton, Chorley, Lancashire

An outstanding childcare providerLittle Acorns Nursery, Clayton-le-Woods, ChorleyOur award-winning nursery & pre-school in Clayton-le-Woods gives babies and children under five the very best early years education. It’s also a fun place for little ones to grow and thrive during their most formative years. We have an outstanding Ofsted rating, an integral Forest School and represent the best childcare service in Clayton-le-Woods, Clayton Green and Clayton Brook, Chorley, Central Lancashire.  Register a nursery place for your child today or get in touch to arrange a visit. Ask us any questions that you may have and we’ll be happy to help. Please choose a button below to get started …